⭐️ Important: You will need to have both your Routable account and your Sage Intacct account open in separate browser tabs at the same time to complete this process.
Before You Start...
⭐️ Important: It’s important to understand how your Sage Intacct account will sync with Routable. Please make sure to discuss this integration with your implementation manager to determine which setup is best for you.
The setup process should only take about 15 minutes for most accounts, however, it can take longer depending on the amount of data in your account.
Before you get started, please note the following requirements for both your Routable and Sage Intacct accounts:
Administrator privileges to Routable software
Full Admin access to Sage Intacct, with user role permissions
Company ID
First, you’ll want to find the Company ID that is associated with your Sage Intacct account.
To find your Company ID, navigate to the Company Information page (Company > Setup > Configuration: Company)
On the Company Information page, in the General Information tab, find the Company Information Section. The ID in that section is the Intacct Company ID that Routable will use to when you connect to Intacct.
✏️ Take note of the Company ID
Entity ID (if applicable)
If you have decided to connect at the entity level, you will also need to provide the Entity ID you are connecting to.
Note: If you have a single-entity company in Intacct, then this section does not apply to you
To find your Entity ID, navigate to the Entities setup page (Company > Setup > Configuration: Entities).
On the Entities page, identify the ID of the entity that you want Routable to connect to.
✏️ Take note of the Entity ID
Create a Web Services Routable User
Enable the Web Services Subscription
To enable the Web Services Subscription, navigate to the Subscriptions page (Company > Admin > Subscriptions). Scroll down the Web Services subscription and enable the toggle.
Click on the word Company in the bottom right corner of your screen, under the Applications tab.
Click the down arrow next to Subscriptions and select Subscribe & configure applications
Create a Web Services Authorization
After enabling the Web Services subscription, you’ll need to go back to the Company tab. At the top left under Setup is Company Information. Click there to go to the next step.
Click the Edit button on the top right of the Company Information page.
Underneath the Company Information page, navigate to the Security tab and scroll down to Web Services authorizations section.
Click Add
for the Sender Id -
Make the Status
Create a Web Services User
⭐ Instructions vary slightly depending on whether you define your account security as Role-Based or User-Based
Head to Company and select Web Services Users
Click New
Input values for the required fields
User ID (recommended: Routable)
Last Name
First Name
Email Address
Adjust the following toggles as needed
Set User Type to Business User
Set Admin Privileges to Full
Set the Status to Active
Make sure the Web Services User has full permissions. This step depends on how you define your account security
If you use Role-Based permissions, make sure to select a role that has full access
If you use User-Based permissions, make sure the user has assigned permissions
Click Save
After you save the Web Services user, look for an email from Intacct sent to the address in step 3(d). This will contain the password you will need when you connect Routable to Intacct. If you cannot find this email in your inbox, delete the Web Services user you just created and create a new Web Services user starting at step 1.
✏️ Take note of the following:
User ID that you created in step 3(a)
Password in the email from Intacct
Connecting the Integration in Routable
Next, log in to your Routable account and navigate to the Integration Settings page (Account Settings > Integrations).
Under the section for Sage Intacct, click the button to Connect your ledger for Sage Intacct. This brings up a page with 4 fields that will need to be filled out in order to connect the integration.
Company ID and Entity ID were found at the beginning of this article. You’ll need those for this step.
Username is the web service user that you just created over in Sage Intacct. Password is the Web Services User password that you received via email.
Once these are entered in correctly, click Connect to Sage Intacct. It will take a moment to sync the integration.
☝️ Please note that this sync may take longer, depending on how much data you have in your Sage Intacct account.
Once the sync is complete, you’re ready to start matching accounts to pull into Routable so you can start processing bills and invoices.
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