By now, you've finished creating and verifying your account, adding your preferred payment methods, and syncing your accounting software. On the toolbar, a new row should appear labelled, Inbox.
What is the inbox?
The inbox is a location designed for uploading existing bills that have yet to be paid. Instead of having to create new payables one at a time, this tool will let you mass-upload bills on your to-do list, with relevant documents and/or invoices attached.
How do I add bills to the Inbox?
You can upload or email a bill to your Routable Inbox.
When a bill is uploaded or emailed to your Routable inbox, our OCR engine looks for data that can help speed up your coding process and pre-fills it in the appropriate fields of the bill in Routable so that you can take action on it.
📚Learn more about OCR
How do I manually upload bills?
In the top right corner, you should see two buttons. If you have bills on your local machine that you want to upload into Routable, select "Upload bills"
This button should pull up the standard wizard for selecting files from your device. Upload as many PDFs or image files as you need to. Routable will create a new bill for each uploaded file.
How do I forward bills from my email?
If you receive invoices from your vendors via email, you may find it simpler and easier to select the adjacent button, "My inbox email"
Clicking here will open up a textbox showing your unique email-address created solely for uploading bills to your Routable inbox.
Click "Copy to clipboard" or highlight the email address and copy it, pasting into your preferred email application as the recipient of a new message. Then, send that email and watch as your Routable inbox gets filled with all of your existing payables. Feel free to forward existing emails and attachments to your Routable inbox as necessary. A copy of your email text as well as a copy of each file attached to said email will be saved in every new bill you create using this method.
Supported file types in the Inbox:
Is there a file size limit when I forward bills from my email?
Yes - attached files should not exceed the combined maximum size of 12MB.
⭐ Note: Individual files cannot exceed 12MB and multiple files attached to the same email cannot also exceed 12MB, when combined.
I don’t see my bill in the Routable dashboard. What could be wrong?
First, please check the total individual size of each file as well as the combined size of all the attached files that you emailed to the inbox.
Attached files should not exceed the combined maximum size of 12MB. When the file size limit is exceeded, files will not show up in your dashboard.
📫 If the the individual and combined total size of your attached files does not exceed 12MB and you still don't see your bill in the inbox, please use the in-app chat to contact our Support team.
How do I delete bills that I uploaded to my inbox?
You can delete a bill from the inbox in 2 different ways:
Select the bills you want to delete using Inbox checkboxes and click the “Delete bill” button
When you click on a specific item bill, note in the top right corner the "Delete" button, see the screenshot below👇.
How do I delete files that I uploaded to my inbox?
How to delete a file from a Payable:
1️⃣ Open the file selector to view uploaded attachments
2️⃣ Hover over the bills you want to delete and click the “Delete Bill” trashcan icon
How do I pay a bill from the inbox?
The same way you pay any other payables. The only difference is that with uploaded bills, you'll see that split view showing the document or image that you uploaded.
Splitting Bills
If you forward emails to the Routable Inbox that contain more than one invoice attachment, you can separate them in Routable, from your Dashboard. The Split Bill feature provides a way to separate these for coding and payment.
How to use the Split Bill feature
In the Routable Inbox, select the record that contains more than one invoice attachment.
In the file selector, on the top left, choose an attachment you want to split into a separate bill. Click the Split button and Confirm in the dialog box that appears.
⭐️ Note: splitting an attachment into a separate bill cannot be undone.
The selected attachment will be removed from the original record and attached to a new bill in the Inbox. Any information that was extracted by Routable's OCR feature will be automatically filled in.
When can I split attachments?
Attachments can be split while the bill is in the Inbox. You will not be able to split attachments to new files after coding the bill.
⭐️ Note: a scanned document cannot be split.
You can see which attachment is scanned in the file selector, marked by a star icon, which you can see in the screenshot below:
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