Keeping a minimum balance in your Routable account will help ensure you don't run into any disruptions when paying your vendors. To that end, we can help you define a custom threshold for your Routable balance and send notifications to your team when your account balance dips below that threshold.
Once your Balance Alert Email settings are in place, the notification emails will be sent to members of your team who have permissions to fund your Routable Balance, which is limited to Administrators and Creators.
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Notification emails will include a button which an Admin or Creator can click to take action directly from the email to add to your Routable balance.
⭐ In order to set up Balance Alert Emails for your account, please have one of your Administrators contact Routable support via the in-app chat to make this request. All we need to know is the dollar amount you'd like to keep as a minimum balance and our team can take it from there!
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