Your CSV template for bulk payments will vary depending on your configuration and the accounting software that you have integrated with Routable.
🎗 Note: This feature works with Xero, QuickBooks Online, Oracle NetSuite integrations, Sage Intaact, or accounts with no integrations.
Downloading your template
To download your unique CSV template for your account, click New > CSV upload in the top, left navigation on your Routable dashboard.
On the next screen, there will be a button available to download your CSV template.
🎗 Note: This template will be specific to your company configuration, and might differ from our sample templates listed below.
After downloading the template file, you may Cancel out of this screen if you need time to build your bulk upload CSV file before proceeding.
Preparing your CSV file for upload
We have a sample CSV file showing dummy data for the different accounting software integrations available for you to view below.
Your CSV template and the available fields will be different depending on the type of accounting software you have integrated with Routable. Use the links below to jump to the section that is relevant for your account:
No accounting software
For Routable accounts with no accounting software integrated, below is a sample of the fields that will be available in your CSV payables template.
⭐️ A required ID field is present to allow you to enter multiple line items per each bill that you’re creating. This also helps to prevent importing duplicate bills.
📁 View Sample File With Dummy Data (No Integration)
(*denotes a required field)
Field |
Type |
Example |
ID* |
Text |
ACME20210721 |
Vendor name* |
Text |
Acme Corp. |
Vendor contacts* |
Email address |
Vendor read-only contacts |
Email address |
Message |
Text |
Custom message that will be displayed to the vendor. |
External Reference |
Text |
An external reference ID that could be used for your API integration. |
Due date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
Issued date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
Bill No.* |
Text |
Reference* |
Text |
1955 Hill Valley Rd. |
Line item description* |
Text |
Line item quantity* |
Number |
2 |
Line item price* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Line item amount* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Line item type* |
Text |
Total amount* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Payment from* |
Routable bank account ID (Standard ACH, Expedited ACH) or Routable balance ID (NextDay ACH, SameDay ACH) |
c87dc298-c61c-46e8-878f-11fa68496d64 |
Payment method* |
Text |
ACH, Check, or ACH,Check |
Delivery option* |
Text |
Expedited ACH, SameDay ACH, NextDay ACH, USPS First-Class Check, Real-time Payment (RTP) |
Schedule send on date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
QuickBooks Online
For Routable accounts integrated with QuickBooks Online, below is a sample of the fields available in your CSV payables template.
🎗 Please note that the actual fields in your template will be based on the configuration in your QuickBooks Online account.
⭐️ A required ID field is present to allow you to enter multiple line items per each bill that you’re creating. This also helps to prevent importing duplicate bills.
📁 View Sample File With Dummy Data (QBO Integration)
(*denotes a required field)
Field |
Type |
Example |
ID* |
Text |
ACME20210721 |
Vendor name* |
Text |
Acme Corp. |
Vendor contacts* |
Email address |
Vendor read-only contacts |
Email address |
Message |
Text |
Custom message goes here. |
Bill No.* |
Text |
INV-12345 |
External reference |
Text |
Memo |
Text |
1955 Hill Valley Rd. |
Due date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
Issued date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
Line item type* |
Text |
Line item name* |
Text |
Line item price* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Line item quantity* |
Number |
2 |
Line item amount* |
Text |
Total amount* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Payment from* |
Routable bank account ID (Standard ACH, Expedited ACH) or Routable balance ID (NextDay ACH, SameDay ACH) |
g87dc298-c61c-46e8-878f-11fa68496d33 |
Payment method* |
Text |
ACH, Check, or ACH&Check |
Delivery option* |
Text |
Expedited ACH, SameDay ACH, NextDay ACH, USPS First-Class Check, Real-time Payment (RTP)
Alternatively, use Default if you prefer Routable to determine the eligible best delivery option based on the primary payment method of the vendor. |
Schedule send on date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
For Routable accounts integrated with Xero, below is a sample of the fields available in your CSV payables template.
🎗 Please note that the actual fields in your template will be based on the configuration in your Xero account.
⭐️ A required ID field is present to allow you to enter multiple line items per each bill that you’re creating. This also helps to prevent importing duplicate bills.
📁 View Sample File With Dummy Data (Xero Integration)
(*denotes a required field)
Field |
Type |
Example |
ID* |
Text |
ACME20210721 |
Vendor name* |
Text |
Acme Corp. |
Vendor contacts* |
Email address |
Vendor read-only contacts |
Email address |
Message |
Text |
Custom message goes here. |
External reference |
Text |
INV-12345 |
Due date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
Issued date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
Bill No.* |
Text |
INV-12345 |
Reference* |
Text |
1955 Hill Valley Rd. |
Amounts are* |
exclusive, inclusive, none |
inclusive |
Line item name* |
Text |
Line item description* |
Text |
Line item quantity* |
Number |
2 |
Line item account* |
Text |
Line item tax* |
Line item amount* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Memo |
Text |
Custom memo goes here. |
Total amount* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Payment from* |
Routable bank account ID (Standard ACH, Expedited ACH) or Routable balance ID (NextDay ACH, SameDay ACH) |
g87dc298-c61c-46e8-878f-11fa68496d33 |
Payment method* |
Text |
ACH, Check, or ACH&Check |
Delivery option* |
Text |
Expedited ACH, SameDay ACH, NextDay ACH, USPS First-Class Check, Real-time Payment (RTP)
Schedule send on date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2021-12-16 |
Oracle Netsuite
For Routable accounts integrated with NetSuite, below is a sample of the fields available in your CSV payables template.
🎗 Please note that the actual fields in your template will be based on the configuration in your NetSuite account, as we support advanced (custom/configured) fields. You may see some examples of these fields in the attached sample file + in the table below.
⭐️ A required ID field is present to allow you to enter multiple line items per each bill that you’re creating. This also helps to prevent importing duplicate bills.
📁 View Sample File With Dummy Data (NetSuite Integration)
(*denotes a required field)
Field |
Type |
Example |
ID* |
Text |
ACME20210721 |
Vendor name* |
Text |
Acme Corp. |
Vendor contacts* |
Email address |
Vendor read-only contacts |
Email address |
Message |
Text |
Custom message goes here. |
External reference |
Text |
INV-12345 |
Invoice date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2022-12-16 |
Posting period |
Configured field - Text lookup (Q# YYYY : Mon YYYY) |
Q1 2022 : Mar 2022 |
Reference |
Text |
Ref No 234 |
Due date* |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2022-03-26 |
Account |
Account in NetSuite |
Accounts Payable |
Location |
Configured field in NetSuite - Text |
Mud Bay Queen Anne |
Class |
Configured field in NetSuite - Text |
Consumer Goods |
Memo |
Custom field in NetSuite - Text |
Custom memo goes here. |
Job name |
Custom field in NetSuite - Text |
Name of Job goes here. |
Requirements |
Custom field in NetSuite - Text |
Contact email |
Custom field in NetSuite - Email |
Contact phone |
Custom field in NetSuite - Phone |
2065553232 |
Job ID |
Custom field in NetSuite - Text |
1234ERT |
Description |
Custom field in NetSuite - Text |
Description goes here. |
Estimate value |
Custom field in NetSuite - Amount |
$132.00 |
Estimated hours |
Custom field in NetSuite - Number |
12 |
Bill received |
Custom field in NetSuite - Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2022-03-26 |
Start date |
Custom field in NetSuite - Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2022-03-26 |
Start time |
Custom field in NetSuite - Time |
12:45 |
Progress |
Custom field in NetSuite - Text |
Completed |
Custom field in NetSuite - Boolean |
Y |
Date completed |
Custom field in NetSuite - Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2022-03-26 |
Line item type* |
Text: Item/account |
Item type |
Line item name* |
Text from your NetSuite list of items. |
ACC00003 |
Line item description |
Text |
Merlin display phone for support calls |
Line item quantity* |
Number |
2 |
Line item price* |
Amount |
71.00 |
Line item amount* |
Amount |
142.00 |
Line item class |
Configured field - Text lookup |
Accessories |
Line item department |
Configured field - Text lookup |
Customer Service |
Line item location |
Configured field - Text lookup |
Mud Bay Queen Anne |
Line item customer |
Configured field - Text lookup |
Jane Doe |
Line item amort. schedule |
Amortization schedule as listed in NetSuite |
Annual Prepaid Insurance |
Line item amort. start |
Amortization start date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2022-03-26 |
Line item amort. end |
Amortization end date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2025-03-26 |
Line item residual |
Amortization residual |
$1000 |
Line item Tracking Number |
Custom field in NetSuite - Text |
AB32 4599 C010 |
Line item Small |
Custom field in NetSuite - Boolean |
0 |
Total amount* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Payment from* |
Routable bank account ID (Standard ACH, Expedited ACH) or Routable balance ID (NextDay ACH, SameDay ACH) |
g87dc298-c61c-46e8-878f-11fa68496d33 |
Payment method* |
Text |
ACH, Check, or ACH&Check |
ACH addenda |
Text |
Addenda goes here, with a maximum of 80 characters for ACH delivery options and 140 characters for RTP |
Delivery option* |
Text |
Expedited ACH, SameDay ACH, NextDay ACH, USPS First-Class Check, Real-time Payment (RTP) Alternatively, use Default if you prefer Routable to determine the eligible best delivery option based on the primary payment method of the vendor. |
Send on date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
2022-03-26 |
Sage Intacct
For Routable accounts integrated with Sage Intacct, below is a sample of the fields available in your CSV payables template.
🎗 Please note that the actual fields in your template will be based on the configuration in your Sage Intacct account. If you make any changes to your Intacct account (i.e. add new standard dimensions or change the title, you must redownload your template to get the updated version)
⭐️ A required ID field is present to allow you to enter multiple line items per each bill that you’re creating. This also helps to prevent importing duplicate bills.
📁 View Sample File With Dummy Data (Sage Intacct Integration)
(*denotes a required field)
Field |
Type |
Example |
ID* |
Text |
ACME20210721 |
Vendor name* |
Text |
Acme Corp. |
Vendor contacts* |
Email address |
Vendor read-only contacts |
Email address |
Message |
Text |
Custom message goes here. |
External reference |
Text |
INV-12345 |
Issued Date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
12/16/22 |
Due date* |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
3/26/22 |
GL Posting Date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
3/26/22 |
Bill No. |
Text |
Billno1 |
Reference |
Text |
Ref No 234 |
Memo |
Text |
memo goes here. |
Recommended Pay Date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
3/26/22 |
Payment Priority |
Standard field in Intacct text look up |
Low, Normal, HIgh, Urgent |
Line item account |
Account in Intacct |
COGS - Sales |
Line Item Amount |
Amount |
140 |
Line Item Description |
Text |
Description here |
Line Item Location |
Standard Dimension in Intacct |
Location Name |
Line Item Department |
Standard Dimension in Intacct |
Department Name |
Line Item Item |
Standard Dimension in Sage Intacct |
Item Name |
Line Item Task |
Standard Dimension in Sage Intacct |
Task Name |
Line item project |
Standard Dimension in Sage Intacct |
Project name goes here |
Line Item Billable |
Checkbox field in Sage Intacct |
Line Item Customer |
Standard Dimension in Sage Intacct text look up |
Customer name |
Total amount* |
Amount |
199.99 |
Payment from* |
g87dc298-c61c-46e8-878f-11fa68496d33 |
Payment method* |
Text |
ACH, Check, or ACH&Check |
ACH addenda |
Text |
Addenda goes here, with a maximum of 80 characters for ACH delivery options and 140 characters for RTP |
Delivery option* |
Text |
Expedited ACH, SameDay ACH, NextDay ACH, USPS First-Class Check, Real-time Payment (RTP)
Alternatively, use Default if you prefer Routable to determine the eligible best delivery option based on the primary payment method of the vendor. |
Send on date |
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
3/26/22 |
How Multiple Line Items Work
When including multiple line items for your payables, you will need to duplicate all payable-level information for each line item. Meaning all of the fields that don’t have “Line item” prefix in the name will contain the same information so that our system knows each of the line items are related to a single payable.
⭐️ A required ID field is present to allow you to enter multiple line items per each bill that you’re creating. This also helps to prevent importing duplicate bills.
🎗 You will also need to ensure that all of the amounts for the payable (including Line item amount and Total amount) are calculated following the rules configured in your accounting software.
📁 View Sample File With Multiple Line Items (QBO Integration)
(*denotes a required field)
Using a QBO-integrated account as an example, multiple line items would look like:
ID* |
Line item type* |
Line item name* |
Line item description |
Line item price* |
Line item quantity |
Line item amount* |
Total amount* |
ABC123 |
Category |
Advertising |
Advertising expense |
500 |
500 |
450 |
ABC123 |
Category |
Bank charges |
Bank charges |
-50 |
-50 |
450 |
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