Auto logout is designed to keep your account secure by automatically signing you out under certain conditions. Here’s how it works and what you can do to manage your sessions effectively.
There are two types of timeouts:
- Inactivity timeout: If your account remains inactive for 2 hours (default but configurable by your administrator), you will be automatically signed out. Inactivity means there hasn't been any interaction, such as clicking or typing, during this period.
- Forced timeout: Regardless of activity, you will be automatically signed out after 1 week (default but configurable by your administrator). This ensures that your session does not remain open indefinitely, enhancing security.
Managing your sessions
You can have multiple sessions across different browsers and devices. Here are the options available for managing these sessions:
- Sign out of a single session: You can sign out of a specific session from within that browser or device.
Keeping Your Session Alive
To avoid being logged out due to inactivity:
- Stay active: Regularly interact with your session by clicking, typing, or navigating through the site.
- Respond to warnings: If you receive a warning notification that you are about to be logged out, interact with the warning dialog to stay signed in.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What happens if I get logged out automatically?
A: If you are logged out due to inactivity or a forced timeout, you will need to sign back in to continue your work. Make sure to save your progress frequently to avoid losing any unsaved work.
Q: Can I adjust the inactivity timeout period?
A: No, however, you workspace administrator can request an update to the inactivity and forced timeout periods in a Support request.
Q: Will I get a warning before being logged out?
A: Yes, you may receive a warning notification before being logged out due to inactivity. This allows you to take action to stay signed in.
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